What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Aspen Pet Lebistro Programmable Cat and Dog Feeder 2 Sizes Black?

A total of 5 reviews of this product on Reddit.

1 point


25th Apr 2013

Hey you should try the autofeeder- my cat is also “plus sized” and once we got this it helped a lot. It gives her a set portion at a set time- now she thinks the machine feeds her and doesn’t wine to me with those “puss-in-boots” eyes when she’s craving!


1 point


16th Oct 2015

I got one of these a few years ago you can set it to dispense three times a day from a 1/4 up or up to 3 cup at a time. It take D batteries or you can get the wall adapter for it.

1 point


6th Dec 2012

We have this one for years and we’re very happy with it. The kitties treat it with godlike status