What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Arm Rests Ergonomic Arm Rest Rotating Computer Arm Rest Support Office Chair Arm Pads Hand Wrist Rest with Wrist Rest 360 Degrees rotatable (Adjustable Elbow Armrest Pad)?

A total of 1 review of this product on Reddit.

1 point


4th Apr 2021

the same is happening to me, but my CRPS is in my right hand and spreading to my left. my right hand is my dominant so that definitely sucks, but i’ve found some helpful things. i got this arm rest for my receptionist job which helps a bit: https://www.amazon.com/Ergonomic-Rotating-Computer-rotatable-Adjustable/dp/B07P8CVKV2/ref=mp_s_a_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=adjustable+arm+rest+for+desk&qid=1617556003&sprefix=adjustable+arm+rest+&sr=8-9. i also love knitting and arts in general, the biggest tip i have for maintaining fine motor skills is stretching very often during activity and being honest about when you need rest. acupuncture has also helped me sooo much if your body can tolerate it. also, just curious—does it feel normal most of the time but it sometimes hurts or mimics your other hand? i didn’t believe my spread for months because it seemed so much less intense than in my other hand.