What is the opinion of Reddit about the
Amazon Tap – Alexa-Enabled Portable Bluetooth Speaker?

A total of 13 reviews of this product on Reddit.

2 points


26th Nov 2016

Also if you live in the States there is something called Amazon Tap too, cant get it in the UK yet so dont know a huge amount about it but it seems to be a speaker for Alexa.

Amazon Tap – Alexa-Enabled Portable Bluetooth Speaker

2 points


23rd Oct 2018

The Tap is, unfortunately, discontinued according to the Amazon product page. It looks like they found a box of them in a warehouse somewhere as there are a few new ones still listed now, but when I was looking for a device a couple of weeks ago, only refurbished models were available. I’ve been really happy with my refurb Tap, but unfortunately since the product is discontinued/abandoned, it’s doubtful there will be any further software updates.

1 point


13th Apr 2018

<a target=”blank” target="_blank" href=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BH83OOM?ref=assoc_tag_ph_1520912819135&_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=pf4&tag=sfmma04-20&linkId=e92470297f437a1eaed3d907e605e96b”>Shop Amazon Devices -Save $30 on Amazon Tap</a><img src=”//ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=sfmma04-20&l=pf4&o=1″ width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” />

1 point


16th Jun 2020

The Tap. The only NON passive listening device Amazon offered. Took it off the market because it didn’t have passive listening enabled by default.


1 point


22nd Aug 2017

> Plus, that means it isn’t a portable bluetooth speaker anymore, it’s a portable wifi/bluetooth speaker. I’m not 100% sure, but I’m pretty sure we’re talking about a massive difference in battery life.

It’s not like /u/you_are_breathing is asking for ground-breaking tech. The article mentions a competitor to the Echo Dot and /u/you_are_breathing said it’d be nice to have a competitor to the Amazon Tap. Personally I don’t see a use for the Tap but that’s just me.

1 point


25th Sep 2016

From the Music Freedom Questions section the answer is no. I haven’t checked in a long time to see if that’s actually the case though.

The Echo is also a regular old bluetooth speaker, so she could still use a phone that way. Just might not be able to hotspot it for music freedom for a direct connection from the echo to other music apps.

>Music Freedom provides unlimited music streaming on your device while on our network. Streaming music via a Smartphone Mobile Hotspot (tethering) will count against your 4G LTE data and is not covered by this offer.

This looks cheaper if she’s just gonna bluetooth


2 points


13th Jul 2016

Very happy.

And my jackpot, after almost buying the last 2016 Razer Blade, I discovered this. Current price is $1799.00. Granted this is a warehouse item, but I suspect that just means it was opened and maybe briefly used, it says it will be repackaged, not sure if that means by MSI or in aftermarket packaging, ETA 7/19

1 point


17th Feb 2022

They did.

Amazon Tap – Alexa-Enabled Portable Bluetooth Speaker https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01BH83OOM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_2PACEZ99BPH041TRVCKC

Also the Alexa app is available for any phone.

1 point


29th Sep 2021

I started doing your survey and then realized that your proposed product is the same as or very similar to this discontinued amazon product


1 point


12th Jun 2016

Use the link below to donate .5% of your purchase to charity.
Amazon Smile URL: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01BH83OOM

This bot is still in test phase. Please PM me for suggestions, complaints or questions.

1 point


6th Nov 2017

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1 point


13th Jul 2016

And my jackpot, after almost buying the last 2016 Razer Blade, I discovered this. Current price is $1799.00. Granted this is a warehouse item, but I suspect that just means it was opened and maybe briefly used, it says it will be repackaged, not sure if that means by MSI or in aftermarket packaging, ETA 7/19